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What is "ED"?

Impotence, often described as inability to stay hard, weakened hardness, or flaccidity. 
(n. noun)

Even with "desire", there's a long-term challenge in achieving or maintaining firmness for satisfactory intimate activity.
Why should real men talk about ED?
Influenced by societal norms, men facing ED issues often feel awkward and embarrassed.
It's crucial to address health concerns without feeling ashamed.
Let's all be genuine and open-hearted #RealMen!
Not firm enough?
With courage and determination,
there's nothing to fear.
Facing problems bravely is what real men do.
Not sure if you have a problem?

Talk ED: Q&A

#ED 001
As you age, is the risk of ED
Among men aged 40 to 70, 52% have experienced varying degrees of ED.
The older you get, the higher the likelihood!

Age can affect blood circulation, the nervous system, and hormone balance, all of which can affect your ability to get hard.

Not being able to get hard is actually more common than you think!
#ED 001
As you age, is the risk of ED higher?
#ED 002
How much do you know
about “ED pills”?
The most commonly used oral treatments for ED are...
"The Classic" - Everyone knows "Ah Wei".              
Time to effect: Within 1 hour
Effective duration: Lasts up to 2 - 3 hours

"Full Filled Weekend" - Play for a long, long time.         
Time to effect: Within 30 minutes
Effective duration: Lasts up to 36 hours

Both medications are very safe but might cause mild side effects like headaches, dizziness, etc.
Before starting the treatment, remember to consult a doctor!
#ED 002
How much do you know about "ED pills"?
#ED 003
Can you improve ED without
Besides medication, these 4 methods can also improve ED...

#1 Aerobic exercise        
Promotes blood circulation, improves ED symptoms

#2 Healthy weight        
BMI>24, testosterone secretion ↓
Being overweight or obese might increase the risk of ED!

#3 Quit smoking and drinking      
Smoking or drinking might damage nerves & blood vessels.

#4 Relieve stress       
Psychological factors are also one of the causes of ED.Identify the source of stress, learn to relax, and address both symptoms and root causes.
#ED 003
Can you improve ED without medication?
#ED 004
Why address ED problems early?
3 major reasons you should treat it early...
Delaying treatment might affect you mentally, leading to a decrease in self-esteem and confidence.
In the long run, it might lead to anxiety, depression, and even impact partner relationships.
ED can be an indication of more serious health problems like cardiovascular issues or diabetes.
Remember to see a doctor in time!
#ED 004
Why address ED problems early?
#ED 005
How to talk about "ED" with your partner?
Finding it hard to start the conversation? You can...

1. Gather relevant ED information to share with your partner.

2. Discuss ED with an open attitude together.

3. Understand each other's feelings.

This way, it's easier to face the ED problem together and find a suitable treatment.
#ED 005
How to talk about "ED" with your partner?
Click on the question to see the answer!
Or go to the video to see all answers at once