15 Effective Ways to Lose Weight
Weight Loss
April 4, 2024

15 Effective Ways to Lose Weight

Losing weight can be daunting, especially for those who value simplicity in their routines. By integrating straightforward dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and manageable exercises, achieving sustained weight loss is well within your grasp.

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This article acts as a comprehensive guide to sustainable weight loss, complete with strategies to cope with challenges faced. It’ll address diet, lifestyle changes and accessible exercises to help achieve weight loss goals seamlessly. 

Understanding Weight Loss Fundamentals

Many of us fall prey to common misconceptions about weight loss, which can lead to frustration, dejection and weight regain. Effective weight management lies in adopting a method that is not only sustainable but also enjoyable.

It's about making incremental changes that fit seamlessly into your life, rather than overhauling your lifestyle overnight.

15 Comprehensive Weight Loss Strategies to Try 

Intermittent Fasting (16/8 Method)

This method involves cycling between eating and fasting periods, typically eating within an 8-hour window and fasting for 16 hours.

Why it works: It promotes weight loss by limiting calorie intake during the day and may enhance hormone function to facilitate weight loss.

How you can implement it: Start by selecting an 8-hour eating window that fits your schedule (e.g., noon to 8 p.m.) and restrict your food intake to this period, focusing on nutritious meals.

Ketogenic Diet for High-Fat, Low-Carb Eating

A diet high in fats and low in carbohydrates forces your body to burn fats for energy instead of carbs.

Why it works: It reduces insulin levels and shifts your body’s metabolism away from carbs, leading to significant weight loss and energy stabilisation.

How you can implement it: Focus on foods rich in healthy fats and proteins while minimising carbohydrate intake, especially from processed and sugary foods.

Low-Carb (Low-Sugar) Diets

Reducing carbohydrate intake, particularly sugars and refined grains, to promote weight loss.

Why it works: Low-carb diets can help suppress appetite and promote fat burning, making calorie counting less necessary.

How you can implement it: Incorporate more lean proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables into your diet while limiting sugar and starches.

Mediterranean Diet for Heart Health and Weight Control

This diet emphasises fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, with moderate protein from fish and poultry.

Why it works: It's linked to reduced risks of heart disease and obesity, supporting weight management and overall health.

How you can implement it: Base meals around plant-based foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats, such as olive oil, nuts, and seeds.

Meal Ordering and Portion Control

Strategically ordering meals prioritising  vegetables and proteins over  carbohydrates and using portion control. 

Why it works: This can help manage hunger and satiety hormones, reducing overall calorie intake.

How you can implement it: Start meals with a salad or vegetable soup, followed by a protein source, and finish with a smaller portion of carbohydrates.

Reducing Refined Starch and Choosing High-Fibre Options

Opting for high-fibre foods over refined starches to improve digestion and satiety.

Why it works: Fibre helps keep you feeling full longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating and supporting weight management.

How you can implement it: Replace white bread, pasta, and rice with whole-grain alternatives and increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

The Importance of Hydration 

Ensuring proper hydration and prioritising sleep as integral components of a weight loss strategy.

Why it works: Adequate water intake can boost metabolism and reduce appetite

How you can implement it: Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily 

Effective Snacking and the Role of Breakfast in Metabolism

Choosing healthy snacks and not skipping breakfast to keep your metabolism active.

Why it works: Regular, nutritious meals and snacks can prevent overeating and help maintain steady blood sugar levels.

How you can implement it: Start your day with a balanced breakfast and choose snacks that include proteins (i.e. eggs, fish) and healthy fats (i.e. nuts, olive oil) to keep you satisfied.

Utilising Smaller Plates for Portion Control

Serve meals on smaller plates to naturally reduce portion sizes and calorie intake.

Why it works: Smaller plates can trick your brain into feeling satisfied with less food, helping to reduce overall calorie consumption.

How you can implement it: Swap out your regular dinner plates for smaller ones to help control portions without feeling deprived.

Eating until 70-80% Full

Listening to your body's hunger cues and stopping eating when you're comfortably full, not stuffed.

Why it works: This practice can prevent overeating and promote a healthier relationship with food.

How you can implement it: Eat slowly, savour your food, and pay attention to how your body feels as you eat to avoid overindulgence.

Prioritising Water Intake and the Timing of Meals

Drinking water throughout the day and timing meals to align with your body’s natural hunger signals.

Why it works: Proper hydration can aid digestion and metabolism, while eating at regular intervals can prevent overeating.

How you can implement it: Start each meal with a glass of water and try to eat at consistent times each day to regulate your appetite.

Gentle, Daily Physical Activities

Incorporating simple exercises like walking, 30-minute workouts, and using stairs into your daily routine.

Why it works: Regular physical activity boosts metabolism, burns calories, and can improve your overall health.

How you can implement it: Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity each day, such as brisk walking or cycling, and take the stairs whenever possible.

Getting Enough Sleep

Ensuring quality sleep helps curb those hunger hormones.

Why it works: Sleep helps regulate stress and hunger hormones.

How you can implement it: Create a sleep-friendly environment and aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep per day.

Daily Walking and Simple Exercises

Make walking and simple exercises part of your daily life to increase calorie burn and improve fitness.

Why it works: Consistent, low-impact exercise can significantly contribute to your overall calorie deficit and fitness levels.

How you can implement it: Set a daily step goal, use a standing desk, or schedule short exercise breaks throughout your day to increase activity levels.

Setting Yourself Up for Success

1. Create a weight loss diet plan

To create a personalised diet plan, start by selecting foods you enjoy within each food group that align with weight loss—like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. This plan should fit your lifestyle, acknowledging your schedule and food preferences. 

It's not just about what you eat but enjoying what you eat in the right portions. Make your plan flexible, allowing for adjustments based on your progress and feedback from your body.

2. Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Be aware of the traps that can disrupt your weight loss journey. Emotional eating, underestimating calorie intake, and leaning too heavily on processed foods can set you back. 

Recognise these habits and actively seek alternatives, like healthier food choices or activities that distract from emotional eating. Regularly reviewing your food diary can help identify and correct underestimations in calorie intake.

3. Setting Clear Goals

Setting realistic, specific goals is crucial. These goals should not only focus on weight loss but also on improving dietary habits and increasing physical activity. Ensure your diet includes enough protein to support muscle health, particularly if you're exercising regularly. 

Avoid the common mistake of eating back all the calories you burn during exercise. Instead, balance your food intake with your activity level for steady weight loss.

Beyond the Scale: Measuring Success in Weight Loss

While weight is a common metric for tracking progress, it's not the only measure of success. Improvements in health markers, such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol, can also indicate positive changes. 

Products like Saxenda have been shown to not only aid in weight loss but also improve various health markers over time, offering a multifaceted approach to weight management and overall health improvement. As with any medication, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of action for your individual needs and circumstances.

Find out what your BMI indicates
Slider indicating BMI
BMI provides an estimate of weight classification. For a thorough analysis of your weight and medical options, arrange a teleconsult with a Noah doctor.

*Medical treatment may not be appropriate for you even if you have a high BMI
Your estimated weight loss in 1 year*
BMI Graph
*In a 56-week trial with 3,731 non-diabetic overweight (BMI ≥27) or obese (BMI ≥30) participants, those who finished (1,812 patients) lost an average of 9.2% body weight with Saxenda, alongside diet and exercise.
An Hong Kong Department of Health-approved daily prescription medicine for obesity & weight management that uses GLP-1 technology for sustained weight loss
Written by our Editorial Team
Last updated
February 16, 2024